Sama Sa(yangi) Ma(laysia)
The idea of Sama-sama is conceived base on our same love for Malaysia. The word “Sama” means same and equal; when it’s repeated, “Sama-sama”, it means together or in another context you’re welcome or thanking you back, when the other person says thank you.
Hence we have Sama SAyangi MAlaysia as our theme—Together, we love Malaysia; and the activities and programme planned are all to be enjoyed together, regardless of gender, race and religions, the young or the young-at-heart.
This fun-filled yet meaningful event is whole-heartedly brought to you by the Tourism Board of Perak, for everybody to celebrate together, as the National Day is all about us, who stood united together to gain our independence, since 61 years ago till today, we welcome and celebrate a new dawn, that belongs to each and every one of us.
A six-week long event, 12 Aug till 16 Sep, the day on 1963 when Sabah (then North Borneo) and Sarawak joined Peninsular Malaysia (then Malaya) to establish a Malaysian Federation. On 16 Sep 1963, we come together as one, under a new constitution into one new nation called Malaysia. Hence a six-week long event to truly depict the togetherness or sama-sama that spans across National Day and Malaysia Day.
Every Saturday and Sunday from 12 Aug till 16 Sep, every nook and corner of Ipoh will come alive, filled with thrilling and exciting activities. From dawn till dusk, you’ll be really busy having fun!
And SAMA SAMA is collaborating with the Sharpened Word to have a series of talks and movie nights from 12th August to 16th September 2018 in conjunction with our National and Malaysia Day celebration. Details of the talks and movie nights please visit Sharpened Word FACEBOOK.
For more details and RSVP of other events in SAMA SAMA please go to the following links:
So, let’s celebrate Malaysia’s 61st birthday sama sama!