Perak Society of Performing Arts (PSPA) aspires to encourage the performing arts activities, with emphasis on the fields of music, dance, drama, and other related fields such as arts.
Our activities include the following:
PSPA Workshops - Through collaboration with artists and performers from both the national and international scenes. Workshops and master classes are organised regularly for the benefit of members and the public. The PSPA Junior Associate Conference is held regularly as well.
PSPA In-House Production - The society scouts and promote local talents by putting up In-House Broadway musical production from time to time.
PSPA National and International Performances - The society is also active in bringing high quality artistic events such as ballet, opera and soirees into the State to encourage development and awareness of performing arts within the community. The PSPA International Ensemble was formed since 2007 to bring together world class musicians to experience Malaysia and to make music together.