2017 “A Walk Back in Time” by Perak Women for Women
Perak Woman for Woman Society (PWW) proudly presents ‘A Walk Back in Time’ charity concert in conjunction with International Women's Day.
A concert to reminisce the glorious days of Cantopop music from your favourite HK series theme songs to award winning hits from the late 70s, 80s and 90s.
Featuring Butterfly Lovers by City Ballet, Ipoh's most prestigious ballet and performing arts academy.
Supported by Sunway College Ipoh and Perak Society of Performing Arts (PSPA).
Concert Details: 26/5/2017 (Friday) and 27/5/2017 (Saturday) | 8.00pm - 10.00pm Grand Ballroom, Syeun Hotel, Ipoh
Entry by donation: RM50, RM80 - Free Seating RM120 – Reserved Seat For enquiries, please call:
05-546 9715
05-253 7114
012-327 9755
012-451 5631
Entry passes are available in below locations:
1) City Ballet @ 40B, Persiaran Greentown 1, Ipoh 30450, Perak.
Contact Kelly or Hui Xin, +605 253 7114
2) Perak Woman for Woman Society @ 52, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Ipoh 31400, Perak.
Contact Ms Yip Siew Keen, +605 546 9715
3) PSPA Store, www.ipohcity.com/pspa
Contact PSPA Office, +6012 505 6192
我很高兴与您分享,A Walk Back in Time (AWBIT) 将在2017年5月26日和27日在怡保举办两场演唱会。怡保知名芭蕾舞与表演艺术学院 City Ballet 将会与我们携手呈现 A Walk Back in Time 2017 Ipoh,带您走一趟旧时光之旅,共同回味香港经典粤语流行曲和舞蹈演出。 我们期望两场演出能够为Perak Women for Women Society (PWW) 筹获马币10万令吉,以支持该组织持续给予面对虐待、暴力和受到歧视的妇女和小孩协助。除了原有需要协助的受害人,PWW每年都会接获50至60名新增“客户”。PWW也提供暂时庇护所给面对虐待和暴力或任何其他在合法状况下需要协助的受害人。该组织所提供的全部服务都是义务性质,组织的营运费用全部来自社会大众的捐助。
演唱会票价分为马币120令吉,80令吉以及50令吉。在5月母亲节来临之际,带妈妈走一趟难忘的经典流行粤曲回忆之旅。我们届时见! 怡保 A Walk Back in Time入门票能够在以下两个地点购得: 1) City Ballet @ 40B, Persiaran Greentown 1, Ipoh 30450, Perak. 请联络 Kelly 或 Hui Xin, +605 253 7114 2) Perak Women for Women Society @ 52, Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, Ipoh 31400, Perak.
请联络 Ms Yip Siew Keen,+605 546 9715
3) PSPA Store, www.ipohcity.com/pspa
请联络 PSPA Office, +6012 505 6192 或者,请联系Joseph Khor @ +6012 451 5631,Angela Saik @ +6012 327 9755或游览脸书https://www.facebook.com/AWBIT/ 以了解更多详情。