KVSS - Introduction to The French Horn & Clarinet

Introduction to French Horn & Clarinet
Now ANYONE all ages all levels (even with NO music background!) can come and get to know, watch, hear, and TRY these 2 beautiful instruments for FREE! Limited seats only, please call KVSS 010-3070360 for reservation.
French Horn Ong Yong Hang (4-5pm) Yong Hang started to learn the french horn at the age of 13 in his secondary school band. At the age of 18, he was selected in the Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO) and has been performing in concert tour to Brisbane. In 2014, he won the audition to tour with the prestigious Asian Youth Orchestra, including performances in 10 cities in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan. Yong Hang is one of only five Malaysian musicians selected to compete and he became the only horn player to represent Malaysia in a decade. He is a member of Selangor Symphony Orchestra. In 2016, he got himself as extra musician of Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO).
Yong Hang has performed as soloist for The Queen of Malaysia during the official opening of Prince of Wales Island International School in 2013 with Penang Philharmonic Orchestra. He is also keen on playing in a chamber group. In 2014, he won first prize for the ABRSM ensemble competition under the category of advanced level.
Clarinet Chee Hui Hui (5-6pm) Hui Hui started her music education at the age of 3 with piano and obtained her AMusA, Associate Diploma in Music, Australia in 2003. She picked up the clarinet at the age of 16 and obtained First Class Degree of Performing Arts (Music) in University Malaya. She has took lessons with Mr. Casey Koh and Mr. Philip Arkinstall (former Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra (MPO principal clarinet). Hui Hui entered Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra (MPYO) in 2010 under the baton of Kevin Field. She got principal clarinet position in 2013 and served the orchestra until 2015. During the time with MPYO, she has done some concert tour to Penang and Kuantan in 2010 and Brisbane, Australia in 2012. Hui Hui is a member of Selangor Symphony Orchestra. She also successfully auditioned for the extra musician of Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra in 2016.
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