PSPA International Ensemble "Mozart on Silk Road" - 23rd August 2013

Embark on an exotic musical journey with the 11 piece PSPA International Ensemble in its 6th season. Fill your senses with the enchanting sounds from the fusion of western musical instruments with the Gu-Zheng, Erhu & Dizi to experience the elegance of the Western Mozartisn to the Far Eastern Tibetan Land. The programme includes Tan Dun’s Crouching Tiger, Dance of the Yao People(瑶族舞曲), Mozart’s Flute quartet, Chen Yi’s Tibetan Tunes etc…
Date : 23rd August 2013 Time : 8.00pm Venue : Royal Perak Golf Club
TELEPHONE/FAX us at PSPA for more information and ticket booking : 05-5487814 Or drop us an email at :