PSPA International Ensemble "Mozart on Silk Road" - Lee Yean Sing

Lee Yean Sing [Dizi]
Lee Yean Sing learned dizi (Chinese flute) at the age of 13 year old and has performed in Malaysia, China, and Singapore extensively. Lee has 15 years of experience in playing dizi.
He has participated in musical performances including the The Heroine which conducted by Mr. Chew Hee Chiat, the Associate Conductor from Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Titan Budaya which held by Orchestra Tradisional Malaysia perform at Esplanade Theatre Singapore. Lee was a former member of Orchestra Tradisional Malaysia, Istana Budaya.
Mozart on Silk Road
Embark on an exotic musical journey with the 11 piece PSPA International Ensemble in its 6th season.
Happening this August!
Date : 23rd August 2013 Time : 8.00pm Venue : Royal Perak Golf Club
TELEPHONE/FAX us at PSPA for more information and ticket booking : 05-5487814 Or drop us an email at :