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PSPA Singers The Chimes of Love Vol : 2 – THANK YOU!!!

“….We want to wish you a Merry Christmas from the bottom of our hearts.” Those were the parting words of Feliz Navidad as the PSPA Singers bade farewell to the audience at the Wesley Church, Ipoh.

For the singers at PSPA, the journey to making “The Chimes of Love Vol : 2” has been enjoyable despite the many hours of arduous rehearsals.

Before the year draw to a close we want to take this opportunity to say a BIG THANK YOU to many, many people from the bottom of our hearts; people and organizations that have worked hard to make this year’s “The Chimes of Love Vol : 2” possible.

First and foremost, the wonderful people at the Wesley Methodist Church. Not only did they hosted the event but deploy a number of their church members to help as ushers, stage crew, lights and sound. On top of that, the church coordinated all the donation of goods and channeled them to various beneficiary bodies.

Then there are the few dedicated volunteers, friends of PSPA Singers, who just turned up and lend a hand. Certainly this is a reflection of the spirit of Christmas, a spirit of giving and wanting to see others being blessed. Thank you guys and gals.

Last and certainly not least, the wonderful audience who not only donated to the needy but with participated with great enthusiasm and sang along with us. That is the most wonderful gift for us. Thank you very much.

Attached here is the complete list and pictures of the donated items and beneficiary bodies:


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A-4-4, 4th Floor (Block D), 
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30450 Ipoh,
Perak Darul Ridzuan.

+605 246 0665


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