Sam Tet Secondary School Marching Band won Gold Award in 34th Shanghai Spring International Music Fe
Recently, the SMJK Sam Tet Marching Band was invited to take part in the 34th Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and took back home the Gold Marching Show Band Award.
It was organized by the Yangpu District Government and the Asian Marching Band Confederation (AMBC) , the band’s journey to Shanghai was a successful one ; courtesy of the endless support from the school’s Board of Governors (BOG) and Parent Teacher Association (PTA). The primary objective of this music festival is to boost the development of music culture, on top of promoting goodwill relationship between China and participating countries.
With a strong contingent of 71 members, SMJK Sam Tet Marching Band took the stage and performed well-known classics like We Will Rock You and Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen and also Hana, a Japanese folk culture song. To suit the local taste of music, the band also played their very own arrangement of "Brightest Star in The Night Sky" by Escape Plan and "Blessing" by Jacky Cheung. The audience were left astounded and awed with the scintilating performance by the band.
The festival was held for a total of 5 days from 28 April to 2 May in the city of Shanghai, which includes famous landmarks like the Zhengda Gymnasium of Fudan University, Oriental Pearl Tower, Huangxing Park and the International Fashion Center. In addition, SMJK Sam Tet Marching Band was also privileged to go on board a cruise on the famous Huangpu River to perform in conjunction of Labour Day.
The chairman of the Board of Governors, Revelent Father Stephen Liew who also joined the trip to Shanghai, thanked all parties involved especially teachers, coaches, Board of Governors (BOG) and Parent Teacher Association (PTA). He said the school achieved yet another milestone by representing Malaysia in his Musical festival. Internationally, SMJK Sam Tet Marching Band succeeded to be placed among the best.
SMJK Sam Tet Marching Band took the opportunity to initiate an exchange programme with other prestigious teams in the festival which consisted from different countries such as China, Thailand, Germany, United States, Hong Kong and Taiwan. This priceless experience in Shanghai will be used by the school’s marching and to further improve its performance and standings in the musical arena.
三德华中铜乐队作为唯一代表马来西亚的队伍,拥有71名队员参与,演奏世界流行名曲 We Will Rock You,Bohemian Rhapsody及Hana,为全场规模最大的乐队。此外,为了配合中国听众的口味,该乐队特别添加来自逃跑计划的《夜空中最亮的星》与张学友的《祝福》作为闭幕歌曲。乐队队员以嘹亮的歌声边唱边演奏,节奏优美,扣人心弦,引起听众的共鸣,同时还赢得全场热烈不断的掌声。
