Sharpened Word - June 2018

If you think the drama is over in May, think again!
For June, SW is proud to bring two heavyweights in the local theatre scene - Jo Kukathas and Dr. Shamsul Rahman a.k.a. Dr. Shark to Ipoh and show us what drama is really all about. Not only will them be sharing their experience, there will also be a special Interactive Theatre Workshop conducted with the aim to encourage and to build confidence and creativity in an office environment.
Go check out their website if you want to know how 'big' they are in the scene:
Instant Cafe Theatre
Tronoh Theatre Shop (TTS)
So, please do not miss this rare opportunity to meet these two bigwigs. Already, the volunteers in SW are so excited to receive them.
See you all in June!
Date : Saturday, 23 June 2018, 2:00–5:00 pm Venue: IDR Knowledge Centre, B-1-9, Greentown Suria, Jalan Dato' Seri Ahmad Said, 30450 Ipoh
