Talent Time - Ode to Old Ipoh Wrap-up
Talent Time - Ode to Old Ipoh organized by Sharpened Word in collaboration with Tourism Perak. On Saturday afternoon 9 January at 22 Hale Street, Ipoh Old Town.
Six Sharpened Word volunteers were present during the event. Due to EMCO restriction, only 40 people were allowed in to the premise. Five experienced judges oversaw the performances and decided the winners according to specific criteria. Twelve participants took part in this years Talent Time contest.
Winner and Prices:
First place Au Yong RM 500
Second place Mohd Fozai RM 400
Third place Chai Chloe RM 300
Fourth place Kara Kai Yi RM 200
Fifth place Crystin Rm 150
Judges received tokens and the 2021 Lat Calendar from Sharpened Word, and all guest received goodies bags courtesy from Tourism Perak.